Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Good News from Bidar

Ezekiel a young 19year’s old disciple is studying P.U.C. II Year Science. He was invited to the church in October 2007 by Robert who is a Disciple. He came to the church and studied Bible in the month Feb 2008. He learned his life was without Christ Jesus and he understood he needs forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ and got baptized on 1st march 2008.

He was very timid, shy, insecure and not confident when he came to the church and he was not used to fellowshipping with anybody because of his insecurity.

One of the incidents on one of the occasion, we asked him to come and join with us for a taking a church photograph, but he ran away from us was unable to join with us because of his shyness, later on one of the brothers encouraged him and brought him for a photo session.

Even if we fellowship also he used to withdrew from us. He was comfortable with few people like, his family and those who studied bible with him.

But after becoming a disciple, by the power of Jesus he got transformed totally from what he was, we are amazed by his changes in his life. He became bold, confident to talk to anybody. He does Bible studies with new visitors. He gets involved in many responsibilities of the church. He leads songs boldly, translates message from Hindi to Kannada does announcements and fellowships with all of us.

Personally his mother witnessed his transformation. Through him and by the help of God, his sister Rebecca and mother Rajamma got baptized and younger brother and father are coming regularly to the church. His father helps the disciples in times of need.

His father attended one of the marrieds’ meetings and got inspired and convicted by the message and helped his wife in her household work. He personally shared about it and we are hoping that his father and brother will soon be disciples of Lord Jesus.

Whole church and his relatives are amazed looking at him .We are grateful to God for His wonderful miracle in Ezekiel’s life.

God proved once again that nothing is impossible for him by choosing Ezekiel and turning him to be his instrument. He is doing spiritually well. To God be the glory Amen.

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