As you all know, there was a serious earthquake in Haiti and so far 12 disciples are reported to have died in it Please continue to pray for the Church there which has 600 disciples also for the rest of the city. Please find the details from the news bullettin of
Supplies arrive in Port-au-Prince. 200 disciples still unaccounted for.
See the pictures on the right...
Haiti (Monday) from
We are happy to report the answered prayer that Dr. Mark Ottenweller (HOPEww) and Stanley Dumornay (NYC) were able to fly into the Dominican Republic on Saturday and drive across the border into Haiti on Sunday.
Although the border was officially closed, they managed permission to cross, and in spite of thieves and growing chaos, they arrived in Port-au-Prince.
They are there to help the disciples in the Port-au-Prince church, as well as survey the situation in general.
Big thanks to HOPEww, Angel Martinez in the DR church, and our ICOC congregation in San Francisco for financing the flight and basic relief items.
It is very encouraging for the disciples to be linked up with the outside world.
Mark set up a clinic and began to treat people on the spot at the church property. About 110 people are camping out on the property, roughly half of them members of our church. 200 disciples are still unaccounted for. 12 have died. People are still in shock by the chain of events. They have endured broken limbs and collapsed houses. A few of the children have lost most of their family. It is a heavy time, but also a time of hope. The church was very excited to see the food and medicine. Some wept openly when they saw the boxes of supplies. Mark and Stanley arrived on Sunday, right as the existing food stores were running out at the church property.