Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wedding Bells

Philip & Pramila led the Mission Team to Bidar in April 2007. God used them powerfully to see the Church to see 38 souls being saved so far.

It was exciting to see Philip and Pramila getting married in Hyderabad on 14th Sep '08. It was wonderful to have almost all the disciples from Bidar travel all the way to Hyderabad to see their leaders getting married. They took a passanger train on Saturday after midnight and reached Hyderabad in the morning. Most of them could not sleep the whole night. Yet they were so giving. Because of a religious festival the city of Hyderabad had major traffic restrictions. Yet all of the brothers, sisters, spending a lot of money,found their way for reception in the evening. They stayed back in the wedding hall for the night and returned to Bidar next morning. Though they were exhausted due to sleepless nights and travel, most of them came for meeting in Bidar on Monday evening.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Good News

Vijay & Meenakshi got married
Vijay was studying the Bible when he was persecuted and sent to prison along with other four brothers in Nov 2007. Irrespective of the sufferings, with great zeal he continued to study the Bible in the prison and soon after coming out in December he got baptized. He brought Meenakshi to Church and in few months time she too became a disciple of Jesus. It was great to see both of them getting married on 31st Aug '08.
Babies born

Babies Born:
1. Mahesh & Vijaya from Byappanahalli had a baby boy born.

2. Ramesh & Manoranjini were praying for years together to have a baby and God blessed them with a baby boy.

Chitra & Victor got engaged on Aug 17th.